About us
Dream to Destiny began in April 2016 as a vision given to Elder Alonia Parks (formerly Jones). With a genuine heart for all people and a sincere desire to see all people live their absolute best life, It is the mission of Dream to Destiny Ministries, Inc. to:
Spread the good news of Jesus Christ,
Share His plan for salvation, and
Clearly communicate His desire for His children to live victorious lives while on earth.
At Dream to Destiny Ministries, our vision is to simply reach the lost and teach the found so that we are all encouraged, equipped and ultimately empowered to live the fulfilled lives originally preordained by God Himself. As a result, we are enabled to play an active role in building God’s kingdom on earth while also receiving assurance of eternal glory when our earthly work is completed.
The Holy Trinity: God, the Father; God, the Son; God, the Holy Spirit (1 John 5:7, Matthew 28:19, 1 Corinthians 8:6, John 1:14)
The Holy Bible is the inspired Word of God (2 Timothy 3:16)
The Great Commission: Matthew 28:19-20
There is a plan of salvation: Romans 10:9-10; John 3:16
The Ordinances of the Church:
Baptism (Acts 2:41)
The Lord's Supper/Holy Communion (Acts 2:46, 1 Corinthians 11:25)
our pastor: rev.Dr. Alonia parks

There is much that can be said about Rev. Dr. Alonia Parks, but the most relevant fact is that she is a born again believer in Jesus Christ, having accepted Him and committed her life to Him as a child. Dr. Alonia preached her first sermon in 2000, was ordained Elder the same year, and has used her ministry gifts as a preacher, teacher and psalmist. A native of Atlanta, Georgia, she is a product of the Atlanta Public Schools System, graduating Salutatorian and homecoming queen of William A. Bass High School (1985). She earned her Bachelor of Arts degree in English from Spelman College (1989), and she studied Biblical Studies and Theology at Luther Rice Seminary. In recognition of 30+ years of humanitarianism and philanthropy, she received a Doctor of Humane Letters degree from the Global International Alliance in May 2022. Elder Alonia is a loving and doting mother, grandmother, daughter, compassionate friend, loving pastor, inspirational vocalist and outstanding entrepreneur.